Vitanova remains fully open

We understand there may be some uncertainty around travelling with COVID-19. We want to reassure our patients that we remain completely open to all our national and international patients, and you can continue to come to the clinic for treatment. We continue to adopt the very highest of safety standards within our clinic to keep all our patients, staff and the wider public safe. We will continue to support you as we move forward in your fertility journey together.

How your journey may be different

If you are a patient outside of Denmark wishing to have treatment at Vitanova, your journey will have changed slightly due to Covid-19. We have outlined these changes in the steps below. 

Step 1

Virtual consultation

Your first step to starting treatment is to have a consultation with one of our multilingual medical team via video/phone. They will discuss any results of tests and scans previously undertaken then develop a treatment plan offering the best chance of success. You can book your virtual consultation here with one of our multilingual medical team either online or by calling us

Step 1

Step 2

Prep for treatment

During your consultation, we outlined the best treatment plan for you. When starting your treatment you will need to get regular check-ups at our clinic or at a doctor in your home country. We have a trusted pharmacy partner, who can deliver most treatment medication required to your home anywhere in Europe. 

Step 2

Step 3

Travelling to Denmark for Treatment

Denmark now works on a colour coding system; each colour has a different level of requirements needed. A country or region can be classified into one of four categories: green, yellow, orange or red. The colours determine which entry rules apply to you. The list of countries are reviewed every week so please make sure you are up to date with the most recent lists, Find out more about your country and its status here:

No matter what colour, you will still be able to have treatment at Vitanova, it will just have a slight impact on the requirements needed from you to enter.

If the country you are entering from is on the green or yellow list, you can enter Denmark with one of the following:

  • A negative covid test done. Antigen test no more than 48 hours or a PCR test no more than 72 hours before travelling.
  • Documentation if you have been vaccinated

If the country you are entering from is orange, you will need to have a covid test prior to entering Denmark as well as have a letter from us, outlining why you are coming to the clinic. This is something we will happily provide you before travelling over. Simply show this with your passport and you can enter the country as normal. We will work with you to agree on the best times to travel and then plan your treatment around it.

If you are travelling from a red country you are currently unable to enter Denmark for treatment, however, you can continue with your treatment consultation to get you ready for treatment. We are here to help you at every step so there is no need to delay starting your treatment.

Step 3

Step 4

Treatment in Denmark

Once you enter Denmark, isolation will depend on the colour code related to your country.

If your country is green or yellow, you no longer need to isolate, so you are free to enjoy Copenhagen before your treatment. If your country is orange or red, isolation is required. You are able to leave isolation to come to our clinic for your treatment. After your treatment is finished, you are able to leave when you wish and return home.

If you have been vaccinated and coming from a green, yellow, or orange country then isolation is not needed but if coming from a red country you will still need to isolate.

We will be in regular contact with you throughout your treatment to ensure you have the latest guidance at every step of the way. Find out more about the requirement for each colour code here:

Step 4

Frequently asked questions

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We know you will have many questions at the moment - our medical team have answered many of the questions being asked by patients.

Can I travel to Denmark?

Denmark now works on a colour coding system; each colour has a different level of requirements needed. A country or region can be classified into one of four categories: green, yellow, orange or red. The colours determine which entry rules apply to you. The list of countries are reviewed every week so please make sure you are up to date with the most recent lists, Find out more about your country and its status here:

No matter what colour, you will still be able to have treatment at Vitanova, it will just have a slight impact on the requirements needed from you to enter.

If the country you are entering from is on the green or yellow list, you can enter Denmark with one of the following:

  • A negative covid test done. Antigen test no more than 48 hours or a PCR test no more than 72 hours before travelling.
  • Documentation if you have been vaccinated

If the country you are entering from is orange, you will need to have a covid test prior to entering Denmark as well as have a letter from us, outlining why you are coming to the clinic. This is something we will happily provide you before travelling over. Simply show this with your passport and you can enter the country as normal. We will work with you to agree on the best times to travel and then plan your treatment around it.

If you are travelling from a red country you are currently unable to enter Denmark for treatment, however, you can continue with your treatment consultation to get you ready for treatment. We are here to help you at every step so there is no need to delay starting your treatment.

Do I need to Isolate/Quarantine?

Once you enter Denmark, isolation will depend on the colour code related to your country.

If your country is green or yellow, you no longer need to isolate, so you are free to enjoy Copenhagen before your treatment. If you have been vaccinated and coming from a green, yellow, or orange country then isolation is not needed but if coming from a red country you will still need to isolate.

Find out more about the requirement for each colour code here:

Once you enter Denmark, you no longer need to isolate, so you are free to enjoy Copenhagen before your treatment. However, this changes quite regularly so please keep up to date on if you need to isolate or not by following the link here:

If your country is orange or red, isolation is required. You can do so in your hotel room until you come to the clinic to complete your treatment. During this time you can order food and services etc and use the hotel facilities. You can are able to leave isolation 1) To come to our clinic for your treatment. You are then able to leave when you wish and return home. We will work to coordinate the timings of your arrival and your treatment to reduce your time in Denmark to a minimum (usually just 1 or 2 nights). 2) If you want to stay longer you can, but you will need another negative PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test after the fourth day of isolation.

We will be in regular contact with you throughout your treatment to ensure you are only in Denmark for a minimal time. We have helped many women and couples through this in the last few months to start their treatment straightway

For more information about the COVID updates in Denmark please visit:

Do I need to take a test when entering Denmark?

If you are entering from a green or yellow country, you don’t need to take any COVID tests after arriving. If you are entering from an orange or red country, you will need to take a rapid test on arrival. If arriving by air, the test centres are located in the airports. If travelling by boat or car, you will need to get a rapid test done within 24 hours of arriving in Denmark.

If have been vaccinated and entering from a green, yellow, or orange country you do not need to have a test after entering, but will still need one if entering from a red country.

This will be explained in more detail when we help you plan your journey but if you would like any more information please visit:

What if my treatment is done before I finish quarantine?

If your treatment is completed ,you are able to leave when you wish and return home. If you wanted to stay longer in Denmark after your treatment, you are able to break isolation early by having a negative PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test no earlier than your fourth day. You are allowed to travel for this test in quarantine. We will help chose a location closest to your hotel or quarantine location.

Where do I get a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test?

TestCenter Danmark operates test stations across Denmark. If you have a Danish CPR number and NemID can book an appointment for testing at Foreigners can show up without an appointment and obtain a test, we will help you find and decide which test centre to go to. For more information please visit: 

What is it like in the clinic?

We want to reassure our patients that we remain fully open and continuing to deliver safe treatments.
We remain in close contact with the National Board of Health in Denmark and continue to follow the guidelines they provide around COVID-19. 

  • Please do not shake hands
  • We ask you to wash your hand regularly or use a hand sanitiser
  • Please keep your distance from other patients and staff members 

If you have had any symptoms: runny nose, fever, or coughing, or are tested as positive to Covid-19 you cannot be admitted to the clinic.

We can now offer you to bring a partner or a friend to accompany you to Vitanova. They have to show a negative Covid-test or a vaccine passport in order to enter Vitanova. You cannot bring any children to the clinic.


Can my partner come?

We can now offer you to bring a partner or a friend to accompany you to Vitanova. They have to show a negative Covid-test or a vaccine passport in order to enter Vitanova. You cannot bring any children to the clinic

What happens if I need to come to Denmark multiple times?

At the clinic we will work very hard to reduce your trips to Denmark as much as possible., but if you do need to come to Denmark more than once we will update your letter for entry and help you organise the best plan of action. 

Should I get the vaccine if I want to start fertility treatment?

For both women and men, it is recommended that you accept the recommended vaccination when you get it offered, regardless of your planned pregnancy or fertility treatment. You will have to wait until you have had your 2nd vaccination before you start your fertility treatment.

Does Covid-19 pose any risks to pregnancy?

No data has shown the risk for pregnancy because of Covid-19. No data has shown danger for the fetus or increased risk for miscarriages. The long-term effect of Covid-19 on pregnancies remains unknown and the clinic cannot guarantee that a pregnant woman’s health would not be severely affected or there is no increased risk of miscarriage, premature delivery or an adverse effect on the baby if Covid-19 was contracted during pregnancy.

We're open and ready to help you!

You can discuss treatments or any questions you have with one of our experienced Patient Advisors

Call us on: +45 33 33 71 01

Monday - Friday 8:00 - 15:30
Saturday - Sunday Closed

If you are ready to start IVF treatment and wish to book your Advanced Scan & Virtual Consultation you can do this easily online.

book appointment