Since having gotten in contact with the ladies and gentlemen at Vester Voldgaede 106 for the first time, we have been recommending Vitanova to everyone in the need – and there is a reason for it. After having gained different experience, we were happy to find highest professionalism, determination and passion paired with the most warm-hearted attitude. At Vitanova you find a calm and personal atmosphere, which is most convenient to take the situational worries, doubts and fears from the guests. Guests – that is what patients are treated as at Vitanova.

Having been told of many similar fertility treatments by my clients as a midwife, comparison was easy and revealed that folks at Vitanova meticulously follow up on a treatment’s development, resulting in individual judgment instead of acting to standardized procedures; a course of action rare within many other reports I received. In our case, the standard duration of hormone injections had not yet produced the required maturity of eggs, proven by an ultrasound in our hometown. Their advice on continuation of the hormone treatment instead of performing the extraction as initially scheduled, significantly contributed to the result, our son now being 5 months old.

Anytime throughout treatment and pregnancy, the Vitanova team were in close reach to ask questions of any kind at any time of the day. The highest degree of interest in my progress was shown – even now we feel that photographs and reports documenting our son’s growing-up are highly welcome and appreciated. We are grateful with all our heart for the assistance of the Vitanova team having helped us with the wish to have a baby.

We had pushed the decision to take this step ahead of us for a very long time. After the first visit to Copenhagen and an initial informational conversation, we finally felt ready to “go” as a result of the attitude described above which was shown to us. 

In Germany, the procedural methods after a pregnancy has established appear to be very excited and agitated. The Vitanova team helped us to turn an artificially initiated process into a fully natural thing. THANK YOU!

We're open and ready to help you!

You can discuss treatments or any questions you have with one of our experienced Patient Advisors

Call us on: +45 33 33 71 01

Monday - Friday 8:00 - 15:30
Saturday 8:00 - 12:00
Sunday Closed

If you are ready to start IVF treatment and wish to book your Advanced Scan & Virtual Consultation you can do this easily online.

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