What is Mild IVF?

Mild IVF – like Natural IVF – is carried out within a woman’s natural menstrual cycle. Where conventional IVF focuses on collecting a large number of eggs Mild IVF focuses on collecting fewer, better quality eggs.

By using gentler stimulation and working with the body’s natural cycle, rather than against it, we aim to collect eggs of much higher quality.

The treatment time for Mild IVF is just two weeks and our success rates are excellent.

Who is mild IVF for?

  • Those with a normal egg reserve
  • Those that are having treatment due to a male factor
  • Patients with Polycystic Ovaries/Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
  • Those that want to take a lower amount of drugs
  • Those that want to reduce the physical and psychological burden associated with conventional IVF

What are the benefits of Mild IVF?

Higher egg and embryo quality Higher egg and embryo quality

Studies have shown that egg and embryo quality are better in Mild IVF compared with conventional IVF.

Better implantation Better implantation

High stimulation drugs can adversely affect implantation, Mild IVF aids a more favourable womb lining.

Shorter treatment time Shorter treatment time

Mild IVF treatment is significantly shorter than conventional treatment, taking only 2 weeks.

No hormone suppression No hormone suppression

There is no hormone suppression (down regulation) with Mild IVF compared to conventional IVF.

Safer for women Safer for women

The risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is reduced in Mild IVF.

Excellent success rates Excellent success rates

Mild Stimulation IVF has excellent success rates and avoids many of the side effects, complications and costs of conventional IVF treatment.

Your IVF treatment journey

Step 1:

Want more information about Mild IVF?

Download our free brochure to find out more.

Mild IVF costs from €3,500

Our IVF Package includes:

  • Clinical advice
  • Monitoring scans (in Copenhagen)
  • Egg collection
  • Embryology
  • Embryo transfer

The freezing of eggs is paid separately

The cost of Mild IVF will depend on your individual circumstances and your personalised treatment plan will be explained to you in more detail after your virtual consultation.

What our patients say

Part of CREATE Fertility

Vitanova is part of the CREATE Fertility family, who are leaders in Mild and Natural IVF. Our team is led by Professor Geeta Nargund, a world renowned expert in Mild approaches in assisted reproduction.

Here at Vitanova in Copenhagen, we have implemented the same treatment protocols to deliver safe, affordable and successful Mild & Natural IVF to our patients from across Europe.

Your fertility journey will be personalised specifically to your circumstances, focusing on quality rather than quantity of eggs and embryos.

Part of CREATE Fertility

We're open and ready to help you!

You can discuss treatments or any questions you have with one of our experienced Patient Advisors

Call us on: +45 33 33 71 01

Monday - Friday 8:00 - 15:30
Saturday - Sunday Closed

If you are ready to start IVF treatment and wish to book your Advanced Scan & Virtual Consultation you can do this easily online.

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