Virtual consultation
The first step in your journey is to have a virtual consultation with one of our expert clinicians via video

Before you begin any treatment with us we’ll arrange a virtual consultation with one of multilingual team via video and we will talk through your medical history and advise you on the best treatment options for you.
Your first step to starting treatment
We’ll advise you on any blood tests and scans needed before your initial consultation. These can be arranged with us or at a fertility clinic in your home country.
The blood tests will provide information on your hormone levels and egg reserve. We also request screening for conditions such as HIV and hepatitis.
For male patients, we advise having a semen analysis which looks at factors such as sperm count, motility and shape of sperm. This can be arranged with us or at a fertility clinic in your home country.
If you have had treatment elsewhere or know of existing fertility issues that affect you, it may be helpful to provide us with a copy of your medical records and any other results including blood tests or sperm analysis in advance.
*The cost of our Initial Consultation is reimbursable if you start treatment.
The benefits of a virtual consultation
- Discuss your fertility with one of our experienced multilingual medical team
- You will receive a detailed treatment plan to give you the best possible chance of success
- We'll keep in regular communication with you and answer any of your queries throughout your journey
- Have the time to think and consider all of your options so that you are ready to make an informed decision
- You'll still have all the benefits of a face to face Initial Consultation but from the comfort of your own home
What to expect?
We offer face to face and video consultations which take place with one of our medical team. Appointments are available at various times to suit your needs.
Scan or test
Before we do anything, we need to know your AMH or AFC level in order to assess your ovarian egg reserve and therefore your fertility.
Book your virtual consultation
Book your virtual consultation with one of our multilingual medical team either online or by calling us.
Booking confirmation
You will receive a confirmation email with all the details of your booking including a link to you virtual consultation. Please make sure you save this link ready for your consultation.
Medical review
As a first step, you will talk with one of our specialists to review your fertility and discuss the best course of treatment. This consultation will take place over video with one of our multilingual medical team who will assess any results, tests or scans previously undertaken.
Treatment plan
We will outline your personalised treatment plan, costs, and next steps.
Which consultation should I choose?
You need to choose your consultation type based on which treatment you are planning to have at Vitanova, either IUI or IVF. When deciding which treatment is right for you, it is important you consider all of the factors.
IUI is suitable for women with open fallopian tubes and a good ovarian reserve.
Unblocked fallopian tubes mean the passage from your ovary to your uterus is clear, so the egg can make a clear journey to the uterus when ovulating. This can be checked using a HyCoSy test, which checks if the fallopian tubes are open. If you have undergone several IUI attempts and have not been pregnant, we will recommend you do this test
A good ovarian reserve is harder to gauge as each woman is different, but there is a correlation between age and decreasing ovarian reserve. We keep this in mind when recommending the right treatment for you.
IVF is suitable for all women but particularly those who:
- One or both fallopian tubes are closed
- Have been sterilised
- Have had pregnancies outside the uterus
- Have already undergone several IUI attempts without these resulting in pregnancy
- Have a low AMH, but we still consider that there is a potential for stimulation
- Partner's sperm is of low quality
If you are unsure which consultation type to book, we recommend you book an IVF consultation, as the doctor will be able to explain both treatment processes to you during your consultation. Any questions please contact us or give us a call.
Virtual consultation - €135
A consultation with a fertility specialist consultant to indicate suitability for IVF and most appropriate treatment plan.
The cost of our Initial Consultation is reimbursable if you start treatment.
If you wish to find out more about our virtual consultations or book your appointment, please give our friendly team a call.