Would you like to become an egg donor?

Each year, around 600 Danish women need donor eggs. Some women may have undergone an early menopause or had their ovaries removed because of illness. Other women have serious genetic disorders that they do not want to pass on to their children.

With egg donation, a woman donates some of her unfertilised eggs to another woman. The woman receiving the eggs has them inserted into her uterus after they have been fertilised with her partner’s sperm. The woman will then undergo a normal pregnancy and give birth to a child, even though the egg is not her own.

You must meet a number of criteria if you want to become an egg donor.

You must:

  • Be no more than 35 years old
  • Be fit and healthy
  • Have no serious hereditary diseases in the family
  • Have negative tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis 


By becoming an egg donor, you can help infertile couples or single women to create a family of their own. There is still a huge demand for young women who are prepared to donate their eggs, and many couples wait several years to fulfil their dream of becoming parents.

At Vitanova we pay DKK 7000 in compensation for egg donation. This amount is the result of a political decision to ensure that all egg donors are paid the same, regardless of where they donate.

You can donate on a total of six occasions.

You are always welcome to call us at the clinic if you have any questions about egg donation or would like more information or to book an appointment with us. All initial meetings are obligation-free, and we would be pleased to tell you more about the process of egg donation and the great gift you would be giving to infertile couples.

We hold regular information meetings at Vitanova. These information meetings provide information about what it is like to be an egg donor, and you will have the opportunity to meet young women who have donated eggs and can tell you all about the experience.


If you would like to become an egg donor, the simplest way of going about it is to contact us at the clinic. We can help you take the next step. Initially, you will be given more information about the process of egg donation. You will then have to fill in a questionnaire a bout known hereditary diseases in your family. If you are then eligible to donate, we will take some mandatory blood samples to make sure you are not infected with HIV, hepatitis C or syphilis.

The eggs you donate will be taken from your ovaries at the fertility clinic.

You will be given a mild hormonal treatment first, in the form of a medication which you will need to inject into the skin on your stomach every evening for about 10 days. This does not hurt. You will then be asked to attend an ultrasound scan at the clinic during the week so that our doctors can see how your eggs are developing. After about two weeks, the follicles will be big enough and the eggs will be ready to be removed.

You will be given intravenous pain relief before your eggs are removed, as well as a local anaesthetic. You will not experience much pain, but you can have more pain relief if you need it. The doctor will then extract the eggs from the ovaries by inserting a thin needle via the vagina. The procedure only takes about five minutes, and you can watch it all happening on the ultrasound monitor. When your eggs have been removed, you will have to remain at the clinic for a couple of hours and then take the rest of the day off.

We are very keen to ensure you are comfortable with the process, and so you will be monitored by the same coordinator throughout.

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You can discuss treatments or any questions you have with one of our experienced Patient Advisors

Call us on: +45 33 33 71 01

Monday - Friday 8:00 - 15:30
Saturday - Sunday Closed

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