A message to Stork and Danfert patients

Vitanova now keeps all gamets and embryos for all patients from Stork. When you are ready to start your treatment, please fill out our questionnaire https://www.vitanova.dk/en/medical-journal/. Once completed and sent to us, please call to book a short consultation. This must take place before you start any treatment with us.

  1. Please note whilst Vitanova will offer you the same number of cycles you were entitled to at Stork, some elements of the package may slightly vary.
  2. The package that you have paid for will continue free of charge and you will only have to pay additional service such as ICSI (as you would have had to pay for these at Stork)

Best wishes

The Vitanova Team

Nous sommes ouverts et prêts à vous aider!

Vous pouvez discuter des traitements ou de toute question que vous avez avec l'un de nos conseillers aux patients expérimentés

Appelez-nous: +45 33 33 71 01

Lundi - Vendredi 8:00 - 15:30
Samedi - Dimanche Fermé

Si vous êtes prêt à commencer un traitement de FIV et souhaitez réserver votre consultation virtuelle, vous pouvez le faire facilement en ligne.

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